Midas Mind Apps

Shroom Shroom: Mexico Fever! 3.5
Midas Mind
Match the mushroom, in this mysterious ShroomShroom puzzle!No candy no cookie, only Shroom and Shrooms. Hop in the fantasyland and to set your journey along with all the crazy mushroom! Digthrough the hundreds addictive and challenging levels, and shroomit as fast as you can before you get too crazy and high with theshroom!Feel alone? get your friends to travel with you in this crazyjourney in the mysterious Shroom Shroom fantasy.Shroom Shroom is completely free to play but some costs mayapply to in-game items such as extra moves or lives.Shroom features:* Addictive match-3 gameplay* 100+ challenging, yet satisfying levels* Fun and hilarious Shroom boosters and power-ups* Only mushroom, mushroom and mushroom. Or so called Goo, Goo, andGoo, or Shroom, Shroom and Shroom.Mysterious Shroom:* Special features to reward you with moves, lifes, and gems.* Facebook Sharing: Share your digging on facebook, get yourfriends some Shrooms!Let’s get shroomed! WARNING: May cause you crazy and thinkabnormally during gameplay!LIKE: https://www.facebook.com/people/Midas-Mind/100006572686781FOLLOW: @Chibi_Battle
Chibi Great Escape: Donuts! 1.1
Midas Mind
Chibi Great Escape is an addictive andintensive casual style arcade game.Simple control, not rocket science. There is no Frankenstein,but we have donuts, and Chibi!The donuts do look delicious, but they are extremely dangerous.Proceed with caution!Why the donuts become explosives? Don't ask, I don't know, justnot as deadly as candies and soda!Don't panic, don't slow down, keep running and dodge like apro!!Survive as long as you can, don't forget to grab the coins. Begreedy or not? Well, no pain no gain!Collect and use coins to unlock special characters from rangers toalpaca to baby to even vampire!!Features:Simple control.Addictive, challenging and endless gameplay.Colourful , fun and cute little chibi at your command.Difficulty increase the longer you survive.No energy bar, no hearts, no need to refuel. No Refueled Play asmuch as you like, and show us what you get!Coming updates:Our phantom GhostBi is incoming, brace yourself. GhostBi is little,cute and funny, not just a cute little ghost, but the icon of theevil Chibi. Its not the same horror you get from Goosebumps.GhostBi is coming soon along with further more new stuff!! Beprepare.Follow us:@Chibi_battleFB @ https://www.facebook.com/ChibiGreatEscapeHave any problems or suggestions? You can reach us at [email protected]
Bakery Smash 2016 Carnival 3.4
Midas Mind
HOHOHO, Enjoy your lovely holidays withthedelicious sweets and cake! Match the delicious sweets inthecolorful puzzle! Happy 2016~~~Hop in the fantasy land and set your journey along with allthefun sweets! Dig through the hundreds addictive andchallenginglevels, and bake it as fast as you can!Mix and match sweets and cakes in a combination of three ormoreto smash for more points and other bonuses! When three ormoresweets and cakes of the same color are switched next to eachotherthey will turn into special smash form. Overcomediffierentobjectives as fast as possible to achieve 1, 2 or 3stars!Feel alone? get your friends to join your sweet journey inthisdelicious sweets fantasy.Bakery Smash is completely free to play but some costs mayapplyto in-game items such as extra moves or lives.Special features:* Addictive match-3 gameplay* 100+ challenging, yet satisfying levels* Fun and hilarious sweets boosters and power-ups* Hands down for the colorful bakery!* Facebook Login, Friends Invitation!Daily Login, Invite Friends through FB will reward youwithmoves, lifes, and gems.LIKE: https://www.facebook.com/MidasMind-1474653272844466/FOLLOW: @Chibi_Battle
Go Car 2 香港二手車及汽車資訊平台 2.0
Midas Mind
GoCar2 香港人真正既一站式二手車買賣及汽車資訊平台! 讓大家隨時隨地搜尋及買賣二手車,並緊貼汽車市場最update既資訊。在GoCar2 買賣二手車及汽車產品是完全免費! 無論你想買賣二手車, 汽車零件,或租售車位 都可以在GoCar2二手車買賣訊平台找得到!我們的篩選及搜尋功能是專門針對二手車及汽車行業產品而開發的,讓用戶更容易找尋到心水二手車及汽車產品/服務。GoCar2每日會搜尋並提供大量私人二手車盤之外,還會為客戶分向他們的二手車及產品到各大社交平台接觸更多潛在買家賣家!還有buildin 私人訊息系統, 方便你直接聯絡買賣雙方。 如何在GoCar2刊登二手車/汽車產品 ?•首先註冊、然後登入、再換一張個人大頭相先! • 影張相、UPLOAD、簡單介紹、出POST、完成-簡單地賣你的物品,而且還是完全免費的! • 填寫適當的物品標題、關鍵字,有助其他用戶更客易搜尋到你的物品! GoCar2功能:•超過10種車輛及商品類別、搜索你喜歡的物品。然後去瀏覽、購買全新或二手的物品!•直接用私人訊息系統與賣家或買家聊天,出價議價,進行交易! •將你出POST的物品,分享到Facebook、Google+、Whatsapp、Wechat和Line,講比朋友仔知你賣緊D乜野!•透過LIKES、追蹤功能,可以隨時知到心水產品的最新動態;like左部二手車後,只要車主減價就會得到提示!•和志同道合的車友們一齊玩、同時認識、互相分享車友們的物品比其他朋友,可令車友更快捷出售物品。讓交易變得更有保障也更有趣!作為賣家的特色和優點:•上載最多5張照片的免費物品刊登,讓你輕鬆出售二手車及汽車產品! •將你的物品刊登同步分享到Facebook專頁、Facebook社團、Facebook動態、Google+、Wechat和Line一次刊登,多次曝光。-「透過累積來自其它GoCar2用戶的Views和LIKES來提升你的信用度」!•開啟議價功能,可以令其他用戶更容易接觸到你。合適的評論,也有助人氣搜尋中找到你的物品!•運用按LIKES,私訊,和你的朋友進行互動溝通! • 車迷資訊提供最新最快的相關消息及優惠,提昇用戶使用趣味!作為買家的特色和優點:• 時尚美觀的目錄式瀏覽介面! • 利用關鍵字搜尋,當只想找出你心儀二手車盤,再也不用永無止盡地去尋找!•與賣家議價,私訊,買下商品,避免尷尬! • 安心購物,保障私隱,查看賣家的出POST和被關注人數了解他的使用習慣!•關注你喜愛的賣家,LIKE你喜愛的物品,當他們有任何更新或降價時便可即時知道! •分類找出距離你最近的、最新刊登的、最人氣的商品!• 透過更換你的真實大頭照,填上個性化用戶名,令賣家也安心吧! •車迷資訊提供最新最快的相關消息及優惠,提昇用戶使用趣味! 來睇睇GoCar2的最新動態: www.gocar2.comfacebook.com/GoCar2HK Instagram上追蹤我們:@Gocar2hk請即下載GoCar2,享受全方位車輛及相關產品資訊體驗!